My English Activity Log

19/11/2020 : My grandma gave me a mini air cooler for my bedroom. I don’t know how to use it. It’s nice and all but I am not gonna use it for a while cause winter is comming now. But hey that’s not that bad. At least I can cool my bedroom down for the next summer. She also brought me a personalized mask with flowers on it. Again, thanks to her but I don’t want to have flowers on my face so I smiled and said, thank you, it was all I needed 🙂 My grandma is for sure the best one. No doubt about it

24/11/2020 : My girlfriend and I walked on the park yesterday. Is it just me or more and more people try to exercise ? I understand the fact that people want to become healty and all but I didn’t know that the lockdown could have such benefits on peoples. Maybe should I start exercising too ? I really hate running etc but with my studys I start to realize that if I want to live for a long time, I should stop being lazy.

1/12/2020 : I started watching Game of thrones a week ago. I finnished the first season and it was really entertaining. I really like Tyrion Lannister. It is my best character so far. I need to take a break because my exams are going to be really tough. But I can’t stop watching it (laugh). It will cause my loss I have a bad feeling about it.

25/01/2021 : The exam period was so intense ! It took me almost 3 hours to clean my room. There were piles of papers and books everywhere. I hate being so messy but I can’t go against my inner nature. After cleaning it, I found 50 euros behind a bookcase. I’ve never been so happy to clean up. Now, I can think about a better gift for Valentine’s day.

1/02/2021 : I don’t understand why is it so hard to find a good gift… I only have two weeks left and I don’t want to give a silly one. Furthermore, 14/02 is also the birthday of my dad and even if I know what he want, it’s really complicated for me to find it. 14 february is a really stressful day…

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